May 3
Friday Phrases
traffic accident= TRAFX
this accident= TH-X
after the accident= AFRX
after this accident= A*FRX
as a result of the accident= SRUX
as a result of this accident= SR*UX
at the time of the accident= TEFX
at the time of this accident= T*EFX
before the accident= B-FRX
before this accident= B*FRX
day of the accident= DAIFX
day of this accident= DA*IFX
date of the accident= DAFX
date of this accident= DA*FX
following the accident= FEX
following this accident= F*EX
night of the accident= NAOIFX
night of this accident= NAO*IFX
prior to the accident= PRAOIRX
prior to this accident= PRAO*IRX
scene of the accident= SNAX
scene of this accident= SNA*X