June 14 2013

J-Defining From Your Stenograph Machine

On some rare downtime while interning, I discovered how to J-Define from my steno machine (no laptop needed). I have a Stenograph Fusion; however, this method should work on other Stenograph machines that have the same screen setup.

STEP 1: If you are starting from the homes screen, press Dct.

STEP 2: Press, J-Defines.

STEP 3: Press, add.

If starting from within a job, press, J-Define. This will lead you straight to the J-Define screen.

STEP 4: Type the steno as to want it on your machine. In this example, I typed, “TANL” in order to define the word tangible.

STEP 5: Press Ok.
STEP 6: Now, J-Define your text as you would like it to appear. You can either finger spell the word by typing letter by letter, or you can write the word syllable-by-syllable, or you can do a combination of both. For example, I typed “TAN.” Then I finger spelled the rest of the word by typing the G-I-B-L-E.

Step 7: Press OK.
NOTE: You can also J-Define phrases. When entering the J-Define text type, “SPAEUS” to put a space between the words. To J-Define
You can also J-Define with format symbols. After typing in your desired steno designation and pressing okay. Typing certain codes while J-Defining your text, will bring up the format symbols. For example, typing, “COL” will insert the colloquy format symbol; pressing the question bank will bring up the question format symbol; et cetera.

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Posted June 14, 2013 by Elsie Villega in category "Equipment

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