July 17 2015

Rules Of Grammar: What Is A Comma Splice?

A comma splice incorrectly connects independent clauses with a comma.

Here are some examples from the Purdue OWL Engagement website:

Comma Splice: My family bakes together nearly every night, we then get to enjoy everything we make together.
•Correction 1: My family bakes together nearly every night. We then get to enjoy everything we make together.

The comma splice has been corrected by breaking the sentence into two separate sentences.
•Correction 2: My family bakes together nearly every night, and we then get to enjoy everything we make together.

The comma splice has been corrected by adding a coordinating conjunction and a comma.
•Correction 3: After my family bakes together nearly every night, we get to enjoy everything we make together.

The comma splice has been corrected by adding a subordinating conjunction and a comma.

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Posted July 17, 2015 by Elsie Villega in category "Grammar

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