August 14
Friday Phrases: And Phrases Part 1
and a= SKPA or SKPAI
and a half= NAF
and act= SKPAKT
and acted= SKPAKTD
and acts= SKPAKTS
and after= SKPAF
and after the= SKPAFT
and all= SKPAUL
and all the= SKPAULT
and all of the= SKPAUFLT
and all this= SKPAULTS
and all of this= SKPAUFLTS
and also= SKPL-S
and are= SKP-R or SKPR-
and are not= SKP-RNT
and are the= SKP-RT
and around= SKPARND
and around the= SKPARNTD
and arrange= SKPARNG
and arranged= SKPARNGD
and as= SKPAZ
and at= SKPAT