August 21 2015

Friday Phrases: And Phrases Part 2

Friday Phrases Logo
and be= SKP-B
and behind= SKPHIND
and behind the= SKPHINTD
and believe= SKP-BL
and believes= SKP-BLS
and believed= SKP-BLD
and can= SKP-K
and can the= SKP-KT
and even= SKPAOEFN
and even the= SKPAOEFNT
and every= SKPEFR
and everything= SKPEFRG
and everything else= SKPEFRLGS
and feel= SKP-FL
and feels= SKP-FLS
and felt= SKP-FLT
and find= SKP-FND
and finds= SKP-FNDZ
and gets= SKP-GTS
and go= SKP-G
and go to= SKP-GT
and go to the= SKP-GTD
and goes= SKP-GS
and happened= SKP-PD
and happens= SKP-PS
and has= SKP-BS
and have= SKP-F
and have been= SKP-FB
and have been the= SKP-FBT
and have had= SKP-FD
and having= SKP-FG

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Posted August 21, 2015 by Elsie Villega in category "Briefs

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