December 11
Friday Phrases: And Phrases Part 11
and here= SKPHAOER
and here is= SKPHAOERS
and here’s= SKPHAOER/AES
and him= SKPHIM
and his= SKPHIS
and how= SKPHOU
and how long= SKPHOUNG
and I= SKPI
and I also= SKPILS
and I am= SKPIM
and I am going= SKPIMG
and I am the= SKPIMT
and I believe= SKPIBL
and I believe the= SKPIBLT
and I believe this= SKPIBLTS
and I believed= SKPIBLD
and I can= SKPIK
and I can’t= SKPIK/-NT
and I could= SKPIKD
and I could see= SKPIKDZ