November 1 2018

Briefs And Phrases From Daredevil- Season 3, Episode 5

Daredevil Season 3 Episode 5 Part 1

alpha= AFL
counterfeiting= KIFGT
facilitator= FAERLT or FARLT
technically= TLEBLG
audiobook= AOD/BAO*K
corpse= KORPS
remind= RAOIMD
tolerate= TLAIT
current= KURNT
thoroughly= THROL
associates= SOERBTS
medical= MEL
confirm= K-FRM
nevertheless= NEFRLS
great deal= GRAOEL
bribed= BRAOIBD
law enforcement= LAUFMT
perjured= P-JD
testimony= T-M
manufactured= M*FP
evidence= AEFD
approach= PROEFP
breach= BRAEFP
obligated= BLIGTD
laundered= LAURND/-D
freelancer= FRAOERNL
Paxton= PAX/TO*N
Penelope= PA/NEL/PAO*E
problems= BLEMS
disappear= SDPEAR
purse= PURS
last time= LAFMT
months= MOS
secretary= SEKT
manager= M-G
signature= SIGT
depositing= DPOFGT
retainer= RAIRNT
at the time= TET
accurate= KRAT
James= JAIMS
Wesley= WES/LI
theory= THAOER
proof= PRAOF
investigators= VERGTS
headmaster= HED/MA*FRT
paradise= PAR/DAO*IS
leather= L*ERT
steerhide= STAOER/HAO*ID
pocket= POKT
cowhide= KO*U/HAO*ID
pitcher= P*IFRP
gear= GAOER
showboat= SHOE/DL-S/BOET
kiddo= KID/O*E
gulps= GUL/*PS
pitch= PIFP
billion= B-L
popsicle= PO*P/S*IBLG
hasn’t= HAENT
like this= LAOIKTS
coach= KOEFP
Bradley= BRAD/LI
long time= LONGT
jerk= JERK
awesome= AUFFM
between us= TWUS
wasn’t= WAENT
am I= MI
emptiness= EMT/-NS
routines= RAOUNTS
empathy= EFRP/THAO*E
for example,= FOERX
upset= SPET
terrific= TRIFK
and me= SKP-M
bubbly= BUB/LI
Spanish= SPIRB
chiropractor= KHAOIRT
goodbyes= GAOIBS
longtime= LO*NGT
session= SEGS
prognosis= P-G
rigid= RIJD
meds= M*EDZ
cycle= SAOIBLG
inclined= KBLAOIND
last thing= LAFNG
colleague= KLAOEG
therapist= THAERPT
expertise= SPAOERZ
and be= SKP-B
misery= MIRZ
eventually= VAENL
naturally= NAERL
beautiful= BAOUF
violence= V-LS
decent= DAOENT
compass= KPAS
suicide= SWAOID
preventions= PREFNGSZ
Craig= KRA*IG
army= AERM
reliable= RAOIBL
through this= THRUTS
scapegoat= SKAIPGT
wilderness= WIRLD/-NS
villain= VINL
Brooklyn= BLIN
hotline= HOT/LAO*IN
first day= FIRD
what time= WHAMT
coppa= KOE/PA*
prosciutto= PROE/SHAOU/TO*E
soppressata= SOE/PRA/SOT/A*
mocetta= MOE/SET/A*
election= LEX
inducement= SBAOUFMT
cops= KOPS
borrow= BROE
blot= BLOT
absentee= ABT/YAE
explosive= KLOEFS
ingredient= GRENT
campaign= KPAIN
intimidate= SBIMT
criticism= KRIFM
affair= AIFR
ditched= DIFPD
am I correct= MIRK
dissolve= DOFL
partnership= POIP
single= SINL
allegedly= LAELGD
ethical= TH*EBLG
privilege= PRIF
ago= AG
hadn’t= H-NT
could find= KOFND
did he tell= SDELT
friendship= FROIP
why would= Y*LD
federal agents= FRALGTS
due respect= DAOURPT
uncomfortable= N-FRBL
accessory= SKOIR
aiding and abetting= AIBGT
route= RAOUT
workout= WORK/O*UT
habits= HABTS
work it= WO*RKT
pursue= PRAOU
dancer= DARNS
first place= FIRPS
backup= BUP
federal government= FRALG
killer= K*IRL
would believe= WO*BL
dog= DAUG
immunity= KBAOUNT
pedestals= PED/STA*LS
officially= FLIRBL
do you remember the= DOURMT
stupid= STAOUPD

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