September 11 2023

Briefs and Phrases From YNW Melly Trial (Day 3)

YNW Melly Trial Day 3
one hundred= WH*UN
one hundred percent= WH*UPS
expertise= SPAOERZ
serial number= SN*UB
ballistics= BLIFKTS
cartridge= KARJT
extracted= XRAKTD
ejected= JAOEKTD
discharge= DARJ
aperture= AP/TAOU*R or AP/T*UR
striations= STRAOIGSZ
triangular= TRAOIRNL
extractor= XRARKT
semi-automatic= SAUMT
right-handed= *RND
left-handed= L-ND/-D
deactivate= DAEFKT
rifling= RAO*IFLG
barrel= BAERL
give me= GIFM
muzzle= MULZ
gunpowder= G-PD
ammunition= AMGS
manufacturer= M-FR
parallel= PAERL
surface= SFAS
Taurus= TAURS
Smith & Wesson= SM*IT/SKP/W*EFN or SM*IT/AND/W*EFN
patent= PAENT
competency= KPEZ
scratches= SKRAFPS
be able to= BAIBLTD
projectory= PRORJT
variables= VARBLS
angle= AENL
case work= KAIRK
samples= SAMS
determinants= DERM/A*NTS
defense counsel= D-FNL
fairly and accurately= FAIRBLG
contamination= TAMGS
residue= SDRAOU

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August 28 2023

Briefs and Phrases From YNW Melly Trial (Day 2)

YNW Melly Trial Day 2
military= MILT
yes, I do= YOID
in this case= N*IK
do you recognize= DOURZ
marked for identification= MOID
marked for identification purposes= MOIPD
exhibit= XIB
fingerprint= F-P
fingerprints= F-PS
is that correct= STHARK
verify= VOIF
verification= VOIFGS
paperwork= PAIRK
associate’s degree= SDRE
prior to= PRAOIRTD
for identification= FOID
manipulate= MIP
looking at= LAO*GT
door jamb= DAORJ
floorboard= FLAORBD
continuing to= T-NGTD
spray can= SPRAIK
I don’t recall= YORL
ladies and gentlemen of the jury= LAIJS
orientation= OERNGS
liquids= KLIDZ
receipt= RAOET
handwriting= HARNG
open it= O*EPT
refresh your recollection= RURX
may I approach= MOEFP
visible= VIFBL
am I wrong= MIRNG
do you remember= DOURM
do you mind= DOUMD
thank you so much= THA*UFM
no objection= NOEX
into evidence= NAO
hemoglobin= HAOEM/GLO*EB or HEM/GLO*EB
chemicals= KHEMS
what do you DO= WAO*U
what do you mean= WHAOUM
with regards= WRARS
rental= RENLT
firearm= FAOIRM
direct examination= DR-GS

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August 26 2023

Briefs and Phrases From YNW Melly Trial (Day 1)

YNW Melly Trial Day 1
keep in mind= KAOEPMD
driver’s side= DRIFRDZ
passenger seat= PAERNGT
cell phone= SLOEN
energy= N-RJ
prosecuting= PR-G
prosecutor= PR-R
prosecutorial= PR-RL
fabricated= FAB/KA*ITD
tell us= TLUS
tell us what happened= TLUFPD
him go= HIMG
him go to= HIMGTD
him go to the= H*IMGTD
search warrant= SWARNT
weapon= WEP
bloody= BLOID
botched= BOFPD
in my life= NAO*IFL
police department= PLEPT
sheriff= SHR-F
during the course of this trial= DRAO*IL
ladies and gentlemen= LAIJ
jurors= JAORS
pursuit= PRAOUT
sufficiency= SUF
did you see= SDUZ
hospital= HOPT
emergency= M-J
vehicle= VAOEK
back and forth= BO*RT
gunshot wounds= GOUNDZ
medical treatment= MAOEMT
crime scene= KRAOEN
crime reconstruction= KRURX
drawing your attention= DRAURGT
drawing your attention to= DRAURGTD
drawing your attention to the= DRA*URGTD
primary= PROIRM
detective= DEKT
retiring= RIRG
testify= TEF
illegal= ILG
story= STOIR
care about= KAIRB
homicide= HOM
yes or no= YORN
yes or no question= YORNGS
intersections= SB-XZ
discern= SDERN
truthful= TRAOUF
traumatic= TRAUMT
transport= TR-PT
courtroom= KRAOM
technician= TEGS
close-up= KLOEP
extremities= STREMTS
image= KBAJ
interviewing= SBAOUFG
interrogation= SBROEGS
believe otherwise= BLEFZ
drug deal= DRULG
shooters= SHAORTS

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October 2 2019

Amber Guyger Trial Jury Charge Briefs & Phrases

jury instructions= JIRX
deliberations= DLIBGS
closing statements= KLOEMTS
members of the jury= MEJS
on or about= OERB
not guilty= N-G
serious bodily injury= SBOJ
bodily injury= BOJ
firearm= FAOIRM
intentionally= SBLENL
knowingly= NOELG
beyond a reasonable doubt= Y-RD
indictment= DAOIMT
reasonable doubt= -RD
manslaughter= MAUTS
reckless= REBLGS
substantial= SB-L
ordinary person= OERP
circumstances= SIRX
deadly weapon= DWEP
guilty= GELT
murder= MURD
verdict= VERD
prosecution= PR-GS
statutory= STAOUFPT
self-defense= SD-FNS
unlawful= NAUF
justified= JUFD
deadly force= DPORS
aggravated= GRAEFTD
kidnapping= KIPG
sexual assault= SWAULT
aggravated sexual assault= SGRAULT
robbery= ROIB
aggravated robbery= GROIB
pertinent= PERNT
unlawfully= NAUFL
misdemeanor= M-M
presumption= PRUMGS
if you find= FUFND
attack= TW-K
standpoint= ST-PT
deceased= SDAO*EFD
intruder= SBRAOURD
felony= FLOIN
in this case= N*IK
witness stand= WAND
during the course of the trial= DRAOIL
conjecture= J-RK
sympathy= STHI
prejudice= PREJ
exclusive judges= XUJS
retire= RIR
presiding= PRIGD
juror= JAOR
equally= KWAEL
during your deliberations= DURBGS
bailiff= BIF
judicial= JURBL
district court= DRORT
we, the jury= WAOEJ
signatory= SIG/TO*ER

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