October 27 2013

Practice Video: As A Man Thinketh Part 6

Here are some briefs from the video:
intelligent= TEJ
accomplishment= PLIFMT
majority= MAIJT
catastrophe= STROEF
destruction= SDRUBGS or DRUBGS
persist= PRIFT
conceive= SKAOEF
centralize= STRALZ
according= KWORG
nature= NAUR
devote= DWOET
concentration= SKRAENGS
overcome= VUM
success= S-K
performance= P-FNS
focus= FOEKS
resolution= REFLGS
physically= F*IFL
conditions= K-NS
effort= EFRT
energy= N-RJ
knowledge= NOJ
enemy= NAOEM
become= B-K

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May 4 2013

Practice Video: Lit

My husband is so helpful with my quest for steno gold! :) He found this video for me to practice to. This is a video of Mr. Rogers appearing before the United States Senate. This is great lit practice. I’m not sure of the average WPM for this video, but on the scale of 60-225, it seems to be on the slow/moderate side of things.

Here are some briefs from the video:
philosophical= FLOEFL
children= KHIRN
educational= JAEL or JAELGS
television= T-FGS
affiliated= FILTD
program= PRAM
haircut= HAIRKT
program= PRAM
inner= NER or KBER
as well as= SWELS
expression= KPREFGS
unique= YAOEK

Happy practicing!

Love, Speed & Accuracy,

Elsie Villega

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March 10 2013

Practice Video: As A Man Thinketh Part 4

Here are some briefs from the video:
likewise= LAOIKZ
perfection= P-FRGS
supreme= SPRAOEM
sufferings= SUFRGS
ignorance= GORNS
evolving= EFLG
encounters= KBOURNTS
disorder= DORD
surroundings= SROUNGS
justice= JUS
spiritual= SPIRL
astonish= STIRB
disease= SDAOEZ
lazy= LAEZ
accusation= KAOUGS
distress= SDRES
selfish= SFIRB
persist= PRIFT
plenty= PLENT
surface= SFAS
obey= BOEB
impatient= KBAIRBT

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March 4 2013

Practice Video: Lit

Here are some briefs from the video:
memorial= MAERL
terror= TROR
aviation= AIFGS
explosive= SPLOEFS
airport= AIRPT
airline= AIRL
aircraft= AIRK
terrorism= TRIFM
propitious= PROE/PIRBS or PRO/PIRBS
spotlight= SPOLT
hearings= HAERGS
House of Representatives= HOUPT
politician= POLGS

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February 17 2013

Practice Video: As A Man Thinketh Part 3

Here are some briefs from the video:
divinity= DWINT
imprison= KBRIS or KBRIF
freedom= FRAOEM
gratified= GRAOIFD
harmonize= HARMZ
nourishing= NOURBS/-G or NOURBG
preserve= PREFRB
conscious= KONS
insufficiency= SNUFZ
deceptive= SDEFPT
victim= VIM
painful= PAIFL or PAIFNL
persistent= PRIFNT
measure= MUR
prosperity= PROFRPT
bankrupt= BRUP
complicated= KPLIKTD
external= XERNL
aspect= SPAEKT
dishonest= SHONS or SDHONS
acquire= QIR
superficial= SFIRBL
virtuous= VIRBS

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January 21 2013

Practice Video: As A Man Thinketh Part 1

Thinking positively is such an important factor to what we do as stenographers. Due to this fact, I think that practicing to material that reinforces positive thinking is very beneficial to us on a variety of levels. Therefore, I will be regularly posting the type of material that will, hopefully, keep our attitudes upbeat, as well as enhance our typing skills.

Love, Speed & Accuracy,

Elsie Villega

Here are some briefs from the video:
volume= VAOUM
exhaustive= XAUFS
suggestive= SUGT
explanatory= SPLANT or SPLARNT
discovery= SKOIFR
perception= SPEFPGS or SPEPGS
virtue= VIRT
encourage= NURJ
garment= GARMT
ignorance= GORNS
happiness= HAEP/-NS
chapter= KHARPT
comprehensive= KPREFNS
spontaneous= SPAINS
premeditated= PRAEMTD or PRAEMD
deliberately= DLIBL or DLIBLT
executed= SKAOUTD
shadow= SHAOD
deviate= DWAIT
deviating- DWAIGT
visible= VIFBL
continued= T-ND
weapons= WEPS
fashion= FAGS
perfection= P-FRGS
descends= SDENDZ
pertaining= PRAING
confidence= K-FS or K-FNS
intelligence= TEJS
agency= AEG
abandoned= BAUND
household= HOUFLD
conscious= KONS
diamonds= DAOIMDZ
obtained= BAIND
investigation= VEGS
understanding= NANGD
wisdom= WIZ
practice= PRA
temple= TEFRPL

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January 5 2013

Practice Video: A Tale Of Two Cities; Book 1, Chapter 1

I like practicing to captioned videos because it makes for a versatile practice due to the fact that I can practice with the sound on or off.

Here are some briefs from the video:
period= PERD
wisdom= WIZ
winter= WIRNT
despair= SDPAIR
heaven= HEFN
insisted= KBIFTD
superlative= SAOURPLT
comparison= KPAIRN
preserve= PREFRB
prophetic= PRO*FKT
herald= HERLD
deficient= DPIRBT
originality= ORJT
congress= KO*NG
British= BRIRB
spiritual= SPIRL
achievement= KHAEFMT
sawn= SAUN
history= HIFT
adjacent= JAEFNT
heavy= HEF
silently= SLENLT
suspicion= SPIGS
justify= JUF
burglary= BLAER
caution= KAUGS
consequence= KWENS
magnificient= NIFNT
creature= KRAOEFPT
majesty= MAJT
contraband= KRAND
midst= M*IDZ
pamphlet= PAFRPLT
warehouse= WROUS
miscellaneous= SLAINS

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