February 5 2015

Theory Thursday: Lowercase Letters (Fingerspelling)

I Love Steno Logo (Cropped)Occasionally you may have to spell out a word letter-by-letter instead of stroking it out, or using a brief for it. To do this, you form the steno alphabet on the left-hand side of your machine and combine it with a consistent stroke on the right-hand side of your machine.

When I fingerspell, I use the alphabet combined with the right-hand stroke of *RBG. These strokes are dictionary-defined with the format symbol of {Glue}, which allows the lowercase letters to attach to each other in order to spell out a word, acronym, etc.

Machine Briefs:
{Glue}a= A*RBG
{Glue}b= PW*RBG
{Glue}c= KR*RBG
{Glue}d= TK*RBG
{Glue}e= E*RBG
{Glue}f= TP*RBG
{Glue}g= TKPW*RBG
{Glue}h= H*RBG
{Glue}i= EU*RBG
{Glue}j= SKWR*RBG
{Glue}k= K*RBG
{Glue}l= HR*RBG
{Glue}m= PH*RBG
{Glue}n= TPH*RBG
{Glue}o= O*RBG
{Glue}p= P*RBG
{Glue}q= KW*RBG
{Glue}r= R*RBG
{Glue}s= S*RBG
{Glue}t= T*RBG
{Glue}u= U*RBG
{Glue}v= SR*RBG
{Glue}w= W*RBG
{Glue}x= XP*RBG
{Glue}y= KWR*RBG
{Glue}z= S*ERBG

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