July 16 2013

Practice Video: Medical Lit

Here’s a video about how blood flows through the heart:

Here are some briefs from the video:
circulatory= SLRT
simultaneously= SMULT/LI
pulmonary= PUL/MO/NAER
artery= AERT
ventricle= VENT/KAL or VEN/TRA/KAL
oxygen= SHEN
valves= VAFLS
bicuspid= B*I/KUFPD
tricuspid= TRI/KUFPD
aortic= AORKT
mitral= MAOI/TRAL
atrium= A/TRUM
right side= R-DZ
left side= L-DZ

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July 1 2013

Practice Video: Medical Lit

In this video a doctor is discusses the risks of using Pradaxa.

Here are some briefs from the video:
Pradaxa= PRA/DAX or PRA/DAX/A*
chemical= KHEM
dabigatran= DA/BIG/A/TRAN
salesmen= SMEN
in fact= N-FT
warfarin= WAR/FARN or WAR/FAR/RIN or WAR/FAR/*IN
equilibrium= QIB
oxygen= SHEN
encyclopedia= SKLOEPD
Fosamax= FOS/A/MAX or FOS/MAX
stomach= STUM
discover= SKOFR
manufacturer= M-FR
surgical= SURL

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January 7 2013

Practive Video: Medical Lit

Here are some briefs from the video:
miracle= MIRBLG
digest= DJ
digestive= DFT
excrete= XRAOET
lifetime= LAOIFT
all the= AULT
cycle= SAOIBLG
chemcal= KHEM or KHEM/KAL
and a half= NAF
grocery= GROIR
cereal= KRAOERL
vegetables= VEJS
skeleton= SKENLT
muscle= MUFL
coordinated= KAORNTD
interestingly= TR-LG
passively= PAFL
computer= KPAOURT
energy= N-RJ
organic= GO*RNG
animal= ANL
diversity= DWEFRT
species= SPAOES

Conflcits to be mindful of:
waste= WAEFT
waist= WAIFT

meat= MAET
meet= MAOET

piece= PAOES
peace= PAES

bear= BAER
bare= BAIR

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