June 14 2018

Merriam-Webster’s Word Of The Day: Defenestration

Defenestration is defined as follows: “(1) A throwing of a person or thing out of a window. (2) A usually swift dismissal or expulsion (as from a political party or office).”


OPTION #1: defenestration= DAOE/FEN/STRA*IGS
OPTION #2: defenestration= DAOE/FEN/A/STRA*IGS
OPTION #3: defenestration= DAOE/FEN/*ES/STRA*IGS
OPTION #4: defenestration= DAOE/FEN/NES/STRA*IGS
OPTION #5: defenestration= DAOE/FEN/*ES/TRA*IGS
OPTION #6: defenestration= DAOE/FEN/NES/TRA*IGS

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