I’ve heard working reporters say that school was the most challenging part of their court-reporting journey. As any student- or ex-student- can attest, learning the skill/art of stenography is time-intensive and demanding; love it as we might :).
The website, “Court Reporting FAQs,” cites some information that should make all court-reporting school graduates feel like superheroes. After all, there aren’t many professions that require the level of preparation and dedication that stenography does.
According to Court Reporting FAQs: “Most court reporting schools base their programs on 24 months, studies by the National Court Reporters Association and independent research show very few students actually graduate in that length of time, with most taking 3 to 5 years or longer…Traditional for profit court reporting schools’ tuition costs range from $25,000 th $57,000. You may be surprised to learn that these colleges of court reporting and court reporting schools have 85% to 90% dropout rates and average graduation rates of 2 to 14 percent.”
“An average graduation [rate] of 2 to 14 percent?” Graduating is indeed worthy of superhero status.
If you are an illustrious graduate, CONGRATULATIONS!
If you are a student, hang in there and keep pushing forward! Everyday is progress!