October 18 2013

Friday Phrases

department of= DEFPT
Department of Agriculture= DPAG
Department of Corrections= DP-X
Department of Justice= DP-J
Department of Labor= DP-L
Department of Motor Vehicles= DMF
Department of Sanitation= DOS/DOS or DPFNGS
Department of Transportation= DOT/DOT or DPPGS

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October 16 2013


“One of the things I learned the hard way was that it doesn’t pay to get discouraged. Keeping busy and making optimism a way of life can restore your faith in yourself.” -Lucille Ball

Love, Speed & Accuracy,

Elsie Villega

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October 14 2013

Medical Monday: Palpation vs. Palpitation

According to the National Library of Medicine: “Palpation is a method of feeling with the fingers or hands during a physical examination. The health care provider touches and feels your body to examine the size, consistency, texture, location, and tenderness of an organ or body part.”

“Palpitations are feelings or sensations that your heart is pounding or racing. They can be felt in your chest, throat, or neck…The heart’s rhythm may be normal or abnormal when you have palpitations.”

Machine Briefs:
Option #1: palpation= PAL/PAIGS
Option #2: palpation= PALGS

Option #1: palpitation= PAL/PA/TAIGS
Option #2: palpitation= PAL/TAIGS
Option #3: palpitation= PAPLGS
Option #4: palpitation= PAEPGS

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October 13 2013

Random Briefs

197= NEFNT (For years in the 1970s)
198= NAINT (For years in the 1978s)
199= NINT (For years in the 1990s)
200= TWOU (For years in the 2000s)
mishap= SHAP
sandwich= SDWIFP
kilogram= KLOEG
kilometer= KLOERMT
umbrella= BREL

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Category: Briefs | LEAVE A COMMENT
October 7 2013

Medical Monday: Hypothenar

Hypothenar is a group of three muscles that are located in the palm of your hand. This group of muscles controls the motion of the little finger.

Machine Briefs:
Option #1: hypothenar= HAOIP/O*E/THA/NAR
Option #2: hypothenar= HAOI/PO*T/A/NAR
Option #3: hypothenar= HAOIP/THA/NAR
Option #4: hypothenar= HAOI/PO*T/NAR

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October 5 2013

Practice Video: Bill Gates Deposition Part 2 (1998)

Here are some briefs and phrases from the video:
may have been= MAIFB
various= VAIRBS
competitor= KPET/TOR or KPET/O*R
platform= PLAFRM
internet= SBET or SBNT
union= AOUN
e-mail= AOEM
retail= TRAEL
capabilities= KPABLTS
I don’t think= YONG
feature= FAOERT
intension= SBENGS
initial= NIRB
package= PAJ
in or about= NOERB
series= SAOERS
memorandum= MUMD
memo= MOEM
meeting= MAOEGT
phone call= FOENG or FO*ENG
strategy= STRAJ
discussion= SKUGS
summary= SMAER
virtual= VIFPL
I don’t know= YON
application= PLIGS
did you understand= SDUNDZ
executive= SKAOUFT

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October 4 2013

Friday Phrases

come a time= KOIM
did there come a time= DROIM
contempt of court= KERT
couple of times= KUFMTS
credible evidence= KRAEFD
credible testimony= KR-MT
is it your testimony= STURMT
is it your understanding= STURNG
is it true= STRAOU
is it true the= STRAOUT
is it true, Doctor= STRAOUD
is it true, sir= STRAOUS
is it your opinion= STURP
is it your recollection= STURX

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