October 2 2014

Steno Gadgets & Accessories: Zoom H2 Recorder

Zoom H2
I’ve had this nifty little recorder for quite some time. I used it to record dictation in school. In addition to being a great recorder, the Zoom H2 can also serve as a USB microphone.

The Zoom H2 has some handy features such as: Four microphones that can record on two or four channels, an automatic recording function that can be activated by voice or decibel level, compressors, low-cut filters, MP3 or WAV format recording, WAV to MP3 converter, metronome, and tuner.

This recorder has always given me quality recordings. Just be sure to keep extra batteries around if you plan to use it for extensive time periods. (Note: It also comes with a plug-in power cord.)

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Posted October 2, 2014 by Elsie Villega in category "Equipment

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