January 1 2016

2016 Dictionary Challenge

Last year, I started using the deluxe encyclopedia edition of “The New International Webster’s Comprehensive Dictionary” as the main resource for my dictionary building. I was able to complete A-C.

I ended 2015 with a total of 160,077 dictionary entries. I made over 47,000 new entries to my dictionary in the last 12 months. I realize this may seem like an extreme amount of entries to stenographers who have a minimalist-dictionary preference. However, my preference is to have various deviations of word entries. I’m more comfortable with my writing when I feel like I have as much ground as possible covered. Also, I enjoy going through the dictionary word-for-word. It helps me to build my vocabulary and become more familiar with some not-so-common words.

In 2016, I hope to get through some more letters of the alphabet. I’m currently on page 327 of the aforementioned dictionary (Volume A-Na). If I can enter an average of a page of the dictionary a day into my dictionary, I should be able to get through to the letter J by the end of the year. This is my goal for 2016.

I’ll periodically post my progress regarding this challenge throughout 2016.

Have a great 2016!

Love, Speed, and Accuracy,

Elsie Villega

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Posted January 1, 2016 by Elsie Villega in category "Steno Challenge", "Steno Fun

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