August 21 2018

Briefs And Phrases From Luke Cage- Season 2, Episode 1

Luke Cage Season 2 Episode 1
package= PAJ
cage= KAIJ
bulletproof= BLAOF
what’s= WHAES
Jesus= JAOEZ
magazines= MAGS
Martin= MA*RT/T*IM
Malcolm= MAL/KO*M
swagger= SWARG
persistence= PRIFNS
sumptuous= SUFRP/TAOU/*US
fantasies= FANT/SAO*ES
irrelevant= IRT
boogeyman= BAOG/YI/MA*N
hero= HOER
fury= FAOUR/YI
generate= JAIT
community= KMAOUNT
temptation= TEMGS
vainglorious= VAN/GLO*IR/*US
nature= NAUR
generation= JAIGS
selfies= SEFL/YIS
pictures= PIRS
message= MEFJ
should be= SHUB
imitates= KB/TA*ITS
invent= KB-FNT
college= KLEJ
sponsorship= SPOIP
logo= LOEG
target= TARGT
Carhartt= KAR/HA*RT
forthright= FRAO*IT
pressure= PRERB
internet= SBET
brew= BRAOU
doubled= DUBLD
misery= MIZ/RAO*E
restitution= RES/TAO*UGS
coffee= KO*EF
foundation= FOUNGS
balance= BAL
sensation= SENGS
if I had= FID
pity= POIT
Matt= MA*T/MA*T
Murdock= MUR/DO*K
appreciation= PRAOERGS
misty= MIFT/YI
I really= *IRL
rivals= RIFLS
punching= PUFPG
sheriff= SH-F
water= WAURT
at all= TA*UL
do you like= DOUBLG
department= D-PT
partner= PARN
I’m sorry= AOIMS
plastics= PLAFKS
future= FAOUT
graduate= GRAUT
brilliant= BRIL
Atreus= A/TRAOE/*US
industries= STRIS
chemical= KHEM
Higgins= HIG/*INS
largest= LARJT
company= K-P
revolutionary= R-FLGS/NA*ER
military= MILT
monitor= MORNT
American= MERN
besides= BESZ
controlling= KROELG
interest= TR-
announce= NOUNS
tech= TEK
investment= VEFMT
billions= B-LS
information= N-FGS
inside= N-DZ
grandmother= GRO*ER
yesterday= YED
Caymans= KAI/MA*NS
nephew= NEF/AO*U
insulation= SNAOULGS
actually= TWAEL
exactly= XL-KT
against= GENS
apartment= PARMT
firemen= FREN
I got= *IGT
thank you= THAUNG
always= AULS
calm= KAUM
seriously= SAOERLZ
siren= SAOIRN
prison= PRIS
fatherhood= FA*ER/HAO*D
congratulations= GLAIGSZ
bodyguard= BOERGD
Mariah= MA/RAOI/A*
what do you mean= WHAOUM
legit= LEJT
guns= G-NS
anything else= NILGS
you got= *UGT
sugar= SHURG
we need= WEFRN
plenty= PLENT
address= DRAES
sweet= SWAOET
Christmas= KMAS
letters= LERTS
sender= SERND
wasn’t= WAENT
to see= TOZ
warden= WAERND
to tell= TOLT
you need= UFRN
from you= FRU
everybody else= EFRBLS
interviews= SBAOUFS
pews= PAOUZ
congregation= KAUN/GRAIGS
Carl= KA*RL
anymore= NIM
hostess= HOEFT/*ES
ankle= A*INLG
inch= N-FP
ogling= OG/LING
belies= BAOE/LAO*IS
education= JAEGS
instead= STAED
Flatbush= FLAT/B*URB
rappers= RARPS
moguls= MOELGS
politicians= POLGSZ
paradise= PAR/DAO*IS
intangible= SBANL
benefits= BEFS
provocative= PROFKT
do you understand= DOUNDZ
tomorrow= TOM
Stephanie= STEF/NAO*E
ma’am= MAM
Billie= BIL/YI
compelling= KPELG
better than= BERN
uptown= AUPT
across the= KRAOTS
bridge= BRIJ
Brooklyn= BLIN
how was= HOUFS
homeboy= HOEM/BO*I
devastated= DWAEFTD
daughter= DAUR
fifteen= FAOEN
pop= PO*P
Washington= WARB/WARB
Heights= HAO*ITS
Gómez= GOEMZ
Dominican= DOE/MIN/KA*N
Comanche= KMAN/KHAO*E
Jamaican= JA/JA/*AN
posse= POS/YI
24/7= 24OI7
Artoro= A/TOR/RO*E
last name= LAFN
Crown Heights= KROUN/HAO*ITS
Jamaica, Queens= JA/JA/QAO*ENS
jailbird= JAIL/B*IRD
conviction= VIX
cockroach= KOK/RO*EFP
casino= KAOFN
pedigree= PED/GRAO*E
athlete= TLAOET
clientele= KLAOINLT
customers= KMERZ
business= BIS
if you need= FUFRN
Basquiat= BAS/QAOE/A*T
svelte= SWELT
thesaurus= THA/SOR/R*US
Shakespeare= SHAIK/SPAO*ER
Machiavelli= MAK/VEL/YI
Tupac= TAOU/PA*K
science= SAOINZ
stature= STAURT
gentlemen= JE
millions= M-LS
profit= PROFT
protection= PROEX
fortified= FOIFD
between= TWAOEN
peace= PAES
Nigel= NAOI/G*EL
pardon me= PARM
if you give= FUFG
I don’t even= YOFN
southern= SORN
cigar= SGAR
away= WA*I
arrest= AR
we could= WEKD
I think= AOING
jealous= J-LS
girlfriend= GOIF
Claire= KLA*IR
I like= AOIBLG
what the= WHAT
celebrity= SBRIT
distracts= SDRAKTS
office= OFS
pretend= PREND
backup= BUP
stupid= STAOUPD
could have= KOF
invincible= IN/VINS/-BL
figure= FIG
already= L-RD
I can’t= YA
woman= WOM
in my= NAOI
you know= YAOUN
Mount Vernon= MO*UNT/VERN/O*N
shipment= SHIMT
English= GLIRB
ecstatic= EK/STA*KT
arresting= ARG
illegally= LILG
condition= K-N
sweetheart= SWHART
usual= AOURB
favorite= FAIFRT
birthday= B*IRTD
today= TOD
family= FAEM
special= SPERB
minimize= MIMZ
perpetual= PEFPLT
dollar= DLAR
lunatic= LAOUN/T*IK
Dillard= DIL/LA*RD
haunted= HAUNTD
tell me= TL-M
I don’t understand= YONDZ
do I= DOI
official= FIRBL
definitely= DAFL
side effect= SDEFKT
transfer= TR-FR
pension= PENGS
purple= P*URPL
I want= IPT
poster= POEFRT
grocery store= GROIRT
as many= SMAEN
at a time= TAIT
outside= OUDZ
Judas= JAOU/DA*S
federal= FRAL
captain= KAPT
otherwise= OERZ
reputation= R-PGS
proceeding= PRAOEGD
unlicensed= UN/L-NS/-D
weapon= WEP
allegedly= LAELGD
question= QE
brother= BROER
birthright= B*IRT/RAO*IT
if you want= FUPT
answers= AENSZ
no one= NO*N
we have= WEF
temple= TEFRPL
bullet= BULT
to you= TOU

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Posted August 21, 2018 by Elsie Villega in category "Briefs", "Steno Fun", "TV show

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