Briefs And Phrases From Iron Fist- Season 2, Episode 3
few minutes= FAOUMTS
tigers= TAO*IRGS
mortal= MORLT
deterrent= DERNT
impacts= KBAKTS
territorial= TERLT
wrong side= WRONGDZ
deflected= DPLEKTD
have not= V*NT
how many times= HOUMTS
Matt= MA*T/MA*T
Murdock= MURKD
to do= TAOD
defined= DPAOIND
identity= AOID
mantle= MANLT
worry= WOIR
about you= BU
yesterday= YED
you were= URP
did she want= SDHAOEPT
aromatic= AR/MA*KT
suggestion= SUGS
generosity= JEN/RO*FT
gratitude= GRAOUD
struggle= STRUG
is it= ST-
simple= SIM
Carlos= KARLS
sister= ST-R
reaction= RAOEX
recovery= ROIFR
unresolved= UN/ROFLD
welcome= WEM
what are you= WHRAU
progress= PROG
conversation= K-FRGS
auction= AUX
what do you mean= WHAOUM
suss= S*US
hash= HARB
invite= VAOIT
dinner= DIRN
notice= N-TS
I mean= AO*IM
I like= AOIBLG
it like= T-BLG
coincidentally= KWLOINL
kind of= KAOIF
housewarming= HOUS/WA*RMG
type of= TAOIFP
lost= LO*S
business= BIS
what kind of= WHAOIFND
chill= KH*IL
what the= WHAT
snooping= SNAOPG
Frank= FRA*ING
squad= SKWAD
alarms= LARMS
loose= LAOS
you know= YAOUN
throne= THRO*EN
barked= BARKD
so much= SOFP
half= HAF
Hennessy= HEN/SAO*E
lawyers= LAURS
patent= PAENT
it has= T-BS
economy= KME
expertise= SPAOERZ
tech= TEK
win-win= WIN/W*IN
engineers= GERS
hurdle= H*URLD
schematics= SKMAKTS
production= PROUX
you will= UL
yes= YE
Sophia= SOE/FAOE/A*
Hammurabi= HAM/RA/BAO*E
Dale= DA*EL
Carnegie= KARN/GAO*E
victory= VOIRKT
friendship= FROIP
I didn’t go= YIG
benefit= BEF
divestment= DWEFMT
paperwork= PAIRK
Chinese= KHAOINZ
numbers= NUBS
profound= PROFND
Sherlock= SHER/LO*K
give me= GIFM
Bayard= BAI/YA*RD
how do you know= HAOUN
excuse me= SKAOUM
slow down= SLOUN
nervous= NEFS
weather= WHR*
auspicious= AU/SP*IRBS
horoscope= HOR/SKO*EP
Walker= WA*URK
go ahead= GHAED
private= PRAOIFT
investigator= VERGT
to you= TOU
she was= SHAOEFS
installed= SNAULD
webcams= WEB/KA*MS
genuinely= GAOUNL
I made= IMD
this morning= TH-RNG
recently= RAOENLT
especially= EP
off the= OFT
I guess= IGS
practically= PRAEL
do you want= DOUPT
with us= WUS
all of us= AUFLS
did you ask= SDUFK
dessert= SDERT
messaged= MEFJD
invitation= VAOIGS
arrogant= AR/GA*NT
this far= TH-FR
Paris= PAR/*IS
kismet= KIZ/M*ET
polite= PLOIT
interests= TR-S
universe= AOUFRS
about the= B-T
I remember= IRM
wrist= WRIFT
we went= WEFRG
alike= LOIK
meatballs= MAET/BA*ULS
pasta= PAS/TA*
catering= KAERGT
of course,= -FX
ago= AG
it go= T-G
awareness= WAIRNS
acceptance= SEPZ
action= -X
when I need= WHIFRN
front door= FRAOR
New Jersey= NAOURJ
New York= NORK
adjustment= JAUFMT
adversity= DWERT
antiquities= AN/TIK/WA*TS
exploring= SPLORG
arrive= RAOIF
wow= WO*U
redecoration= RAOE/DRAIGS
too bad= TAOBD
teachers= TAOEFRPS
influential= FLUNL
in my= NAOI
example= X-M
I recall= IRL
do you remember= DOURM
do you think= DOUNG
angry= AING
iron= AOIRN
fist= FIFT
I wouldn’t say= IAOS
issues= IRBS
to find= TOFND
alive= LOIF
about it= B*T
and I know= SKPIN
Harold= HA*RLD
troubled= TRUBLD
and you= SKPU
deserved= DEFRBD
through this= THRUTS
fresh= FRERB
figure= FIG
overreacted= AUFR/RAOEKTD
earlier= RERL
sponsor= SPORN
honest= HONS
have been= V-B
to tell= TOLT
advice= VIS
families= FAEMS
relationships= ROIPS
flash= FLARB
afraid= FRAID
is this= STH-
into this= NAOTS
peace= PAES
flaw= FLAU
logic= L-J
conspired= SKPAOIRD
naturally= NAERL
enough= NUF
photos= FOETS
surveillance= SWAINS
you said= UDZ
Hong Kong= HONG/KONG
confrontation= K-FRNGS
negotiation= GOERBGS
what you can= WHAUK
as well= SW*EL
weapons= WEPS
weapon= WEP
he is= ES
agreeing= GRAOEG
agreed= GRAOED
regrets= GRETS
authority= THORT
entrust= SBRUFT
Red Hook= RED/HAO*K
decades= DAEDZ
arrangements= ARMTS
at this= TI
we need= WEFRN
to go= TOG
who is= WHOS
who’s= WHO*S
that I= THAI
again= GEN
salvageable= SAL/VAJ/-BL
blows= BLOS