February 22 2019

Briefs and Phrases From The Blacklist: Season 1, Episode 7

Blacklist Season 1 Episode 7
Farragut= FAR/G*UT
café au lait= KAEF/O/LAI
dining room= DAOIRM
orange= ORNG
blue= BLU
yellow= YOEL
did I= SDI
display= DPLAI
window= WID
thoughtful= THOUF
Patrick= PARKT
episcopal= AOE/PIFK/PA*L
last time= LAFMT
briefcase= BRAOEFK
in the morning= NORNG
samples= SAMS
pumpkins= PUFRP/K*INS
ridiculous= KAOULS
invaded= KBA*ED
personnel= SNEL
biological= BL-L
transit authority= TROT
precisely= PRAOIFL
radio= RAO
radioactive= RAOFKT
impersonal= KBERNL
Barnes= BA*RNS
biochemical= BAOI/O*E/KH*EM
Annapolis= AN/NAP/L*IS
cytochlorin= SAOI/TOE/KLO*RN
phosphorus= FOS/FOR/*US
paratoxin= PA/RA/TOX/*IN
scientist= SAOINT
savant= SA/VA*NT
autocrat= AOT/KRA*T
at once= TWUNS
detachment= DAFMT
designer= SDAOIRN
arteries= AERTS
pseudoaneurysm= SAOUD/O*E/AN/R*IFM
maxillary= MAX/*IL/LA*ER
artery= AERT
Kurz= K*URZ
oxygen= SHEN
in this case= NIK
lunch= LUFP
follow me= FL-M
Minnesota= MIN/MIN
infections= N-FXZ
virus= VAOIRS
contagious= TAIJS
clusters= KLUFRTS
weaponized= WEPDZ
strontium= SRONT/Y*UM
modified= MOIFD
isotope= AOIS/TO*EP
immunosuppressant= KBAOUN/O*E/SPR*EFNT
apprehended= PRAEND
vaporized= VAIRPDZ
this afternoon= TH-FRN
Donald= DONLD
Reston= RES/TO*N
guayabera= GA/YA/BAOER/A*
in the meantime= NAOENT
Havana= HA/VAN/A*
purchase= PR-FP
obsessive= OB/S*EFS
puzzle= PUZ
Purdue= PUR/DAO*U
phone number= FUB
variant= VAIRNT
infected= N-FKTD
good time= GAOMT
pharmaceutical= FARL
radar= RAIRD
ignored= GORD
invest= VEF
aside= SOID
Qassam= QAS/SA*M
transaction= TR-X
trout= TROUT
jury= JIR
summons= SMONS
Arlington= ARLG/TO*N
courthouse= KHOUS
federal agent= FRALGT
stairwell= STAIRL
second floor= S*FL
evacuate= AOEFKT
including= KLUG
out of the= OUFT
gun= G-N
escrow= SKROE
jury room= JIRM
random= RAOND
genders= JERNDZ
protocol= PROELT
firearm= FAOIRM
hostage= HOFJ
exceptions= XEPGSZ
regulations= RELGSZ
administrative= MIF
sweetheart= SWHART
gumball= GUM/BA*UL
waltz= WALTS
coverage= KOFRJ
which means= KH-MS
why would= Y*LD
biopsy= BAOIPZ
immunity= KBAOUNT
antidote= AOINT/DO*ET
Ethan= AO*ET/A*N
subway= SBAI
souvenir= SUF/NA*IR
guava= GA/VA*
pity= POIT
and believe it= SKP*BLT
relationship= ROIP
to believe= TOBL
furniture= FUTNT
lamp= LAFRP
to go= TOG
memories= MEMS
clearance= KLAOERNS
Seychelles= SAI/SH*ELS
Doha= DOE/HA*
Florence= FLORNS
Marigot= MA/RAOE/GO*T

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Posted February 22, 2019 by Elsie Villega in category "Briefs", "Steno Fun", "TV show

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