June 25 2019

Briefs And Phrases From Jessica Jones- Season 3, Episode 1

Jessica Jones Season 3
Amber= AM/B*ER
kidnapped= KIPD
custody= KUD
vindictive= VIN/D*IFKT
Cassie= KAS/YI
toxic= TOX
about to= B-TD
sweetheart= SWHART
psychologist= SKOLGT
weaseled= WAOEFLD
zero= S*ER
did you see= SDUZ
sunburn= SUN/B*URN
video= VAO
that I know of= THAIFN
passive= PAFS
aggressive= GRAEFS
otherwise= OERZ
email= AOEM
hero= HOER
freight= FRAIT
mimosa= MA/MOE/SA*
healthy= HOILT
arbitrator= RARBT
defined= DPAOIND
elbow= *EBL
dessert= SDERT
customer= KMER
vintage= VINGT
remote= RAO*EMY
anatomy= NAEMT
sliding= SLAOIGD
heroics= HOIRKS
rule of law= RAUFL
detective= DEKT
assault= SAULT
jurisdiction= JURD
sober= SOERB
elevator= L-FRT
police= PLIS
obvious= OEFS
aspirations= SPIRGSZ
rely= RAOI
future= FAOURT
indignity= IN/DIGT
I ask= IFK
significant= SIG
symptoms= STOMS
I don’t have it= YO*FT
why ask= Y-FK
cue= KAOU
vomit= VOMT
take care of it= TA*EFRKT
ambulance= BLANS
lawyer= LAUR
New York= NORK
employer= PLOIR
ignition= IG/N*IGS
transfer= TR-FR
credit card= KRERKD
condo= KOND
you’re late= YO*URLT
educating= JAEGT
futon= FAOU/TO*N
password= PAFRD
jealous= J-LS
conscience= K-RBS
why is= Y-S
stakeout= STAIKT
is your= SYOUR
recommendation= REMGS
valuable= VABL
employee= PLOE
reconcile= SKRAOIL
where are you going= WR*URG
Jesus= JAOEZ
from the= FR-T
bulletproof= BLAOF
burglar= BLAR
justice= JUS
fatal= FAILT
sculpture= SKURPLT
compass= KPAS
inadequate= DWAT
collection= KLEX
buttons= BONS
designers= SDAOIRNS
turn it= T*URNT
scholarship= SKLARP
music= MAOUK
curious= KAOURBS
coincidence= KWOINS
I give= IFG
anonymous= NOUMS
delighted= DLAOITD
beautifully= BAOUFL
vigilante= VIJT
beauty= BOIT
idiocy= ID/SAO*E
expectations= XEXZ
burger= BRURG
motivational= MOEFLGS
critic= KRIT
ratio= RAIRB
sashimi= SA/SHAOE/MAO*E
brioche= BRAOE/O*ERB
magic= MIJ
kind of= KAOIF
aphrodisiac= AF/DAO*EFK
so late= SOLT

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Posted June 25, 2019 by Elsie Villega in category "Briefs", "Steno Fun", "TV show

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