Briefs And Phrases From Jessica Jones- Season 3, Episode 8
detective= DEFKT
permanently= PLERM
examine= X-
bulletin= BUNLT
red light= R-LT
disaster= SDA*S
publicist= PUFBT
public= PUB
surveillance= SWAINS
video= VAO
I didn’t even= YIFN
who he is= WHOES
promotion= PROEMGS
Burundi= BA/RUN/DAO*E
she asked= SHEFKD
burglary= BLAER
breaking and entering= BRAERKT
legacy= LEGZ
personally= PLERNL
contact= KAKT
goofing= GAOFG
hilarious= HA/LA*RBS
tippers= TIRPS
about it= B*T
I didn’t ask= YIFK
vandalism= VAND/L*IFM
laptop= LAPT
Hudson= HUFND
Tribeca= TRAOI/B*EK/A*
zhoosh= S*URB or SH*URB
narrative= NAFRT
literal= LIRL
literally= LAIRL
alleged= AELGD
like this= LAOIKTS
repeatedly= RAOEPLTD
are not= R-NT
harassment= HARMT
provoked= PROEFKD
aiding and abetting= AIBGT
their side= THAIRDZ
platform= PLAFRM
monetize= MON/TAO*IZ
brunette= BRAOUNT
cell phone= SLOEN
terrified= TROIFD
careful= KAIF
charade= SHA/RA*ID
somewhere= SWR-
custody= KUD
can you tell me= KUMT
goodnight= GAOIT
bartender= BAERND
no more= NOERM
suicide= SWAOID
I can’t get= YAGT
I can’t get this= YAGTS