Briefs And Phrases From Jessica Jones- Season 3, Episode 11
anxiety= ANGT
parenthetical= PAURNL
excuse me, ma’am= SKAO*UM
resident= REFNT
you are= UR
who you are= WHOUR
city= STI
above the= BOFT
above the law= BOFLT
infestation= KBEFGS
where have you been= WR*UFB
righteous= RAOIRBS
did he do= SDED
the evidence= TA*EFD
I made= IMD
justice= JUS
torture= TAOURT
tortured= TAOURTD
out loud= TLOUD
someone else= SWUNLS
intel= SBEL
testify= TEF
isolated= SOELTD
I guess= IGS
turtle= TURLT
hit-and-run= H-RN
nineteen= NAOEN
squad car= SQAR
inappropriate= NROEPT
schedule= SKELD
appointment= POIMT
person of interest= PEFRNT
visible= VIFBL
adult= DULT landmark= LA*RK
monstrosity= MON/STROS/TAO*E
firefighter= FAOIFRT
squatters= SQARTS
lobotomy= LA/BOT/MAO*E
network= TWORK
business relationship= BROIP
business relationships= BROIPS
prosecute= PR-
first thing= FIRG