September 2
Briefs and Phrases From Pearson: Season 1, Episode 1
Pearson= PAEFRN
I need to= IFRNTD
intrude= SBRAOUD
I haven’t= *IFNT
against the= GENTS
part of= PA*FRT
I won’t have= YOEF
I won’t have this= YOEFTS
cousin= KUFN
housing project= HOUJ or HOUFJ
free time= FROIM
income= N-K
mayor= MAIR
city council= STOUNL or STKOUNL
south side= S-DZ or S*DZ
Jessica= JEFK
opposite= OPS
side of= SAOIFD
side of the= SAOIFTD
gumbo= GUM/BO*E
assignment= SOIMT
alienated= YENLTD
City of= ST*IF
breach of contract= BRAEFPK
retainer= TRAERN
blaming the= BLAIMGT
I don’t believe this= YOBLTS
license= L-NS
police officer= PLOIFR
north side= N*DZ
might want= MAOIPT
my name= MAO*IN
Chardonnay= SHARD/NA*I
replace= PLAEFR