September 6
Briefs and Phrases From Pearson: Season 1, Episode 2
breakfast= BREFS
do I have to= DOIFTD
Jason= JAIFN
library= LAOIRB
nuisance= NAOUFNS
red lights= R-LTS
legitimate= JIT
audible= AUBL
fluorescents= FLOUFRNTS
enforcer= KBRORS
police department= PLEPT
nursing= NURGS
where are the= WR-RT
I can’t believe you= YA*UBL
midnight= MAOID
Chicago= KH*I
because of it= BA*UFT
administration= M-RGS
steaks= STAEKS
what it is= WHA*TS
I need the= IFRNT
personnel= SNEL
coordinator= KRAORNT
ominous= OM/N*US
flu shot= FLUT
impasse= KBAS
against it= G*ENTS
and you know= SKPUN
resignation= REFNGS
sanitation= SAINGS
injunction= KBUNGS
compensate= KPENT
firestorm= FAOIR/STO*RM
why are you= Y*UR
back to= BAKTD
and I just= SKPIJT