September 14
Briefs and Phrases From Pearson: Season 1, Episode 3
dissect= DAOIFKT
endorsement= SBORMT
classical= KLAFBLG
when I need to= WHIFRNTD
due diligence= DAOULG or DAOULGS
City Hall= STHA*UL
website= WAOIT
kitchens= KIFPS
and you told= SKPULT
gossip= GOFP
dossier= DOS/Y*ER
McMuffin= M*K/M*UFN
factory= FAOKT
candidates= KANDZ
Q & A= KWA*
intrusive= SBRAOUFS
grassroots= GRAFRTS
opening statement= OEPGS
opposing= PAO*GS
despise= DPAOIZ
ordinance= ORNS
green lights= GR-LTS
cliché= KLAOERB
Wikipedia= WIK/PAOED/YA*
self-doubt= SDOUT
babysit= BAEBT