Briefs and Phrases From Power: Season 6, Episode 4
I’m right= AOIRMT
lo siento= LOE/SAOEN/TO*E
trying to be= TRAO*IBGTD
penalty= PENLT
Red Hook= RED/HAO*K
I can tell= IKT
fumigator= FAOUM/GA*IRT
poison= POIFN
temple= TEFRPL
that you made= THAUMD
custody= KUD
how about the= HOUBT
dissolution= SDAOULGS
monogram= MON/GRA*M
narrative= NAFRT
I’m going to= AOIMGTD
daycare= DAERK
Quinton= KWINT/O*N
she just= SHEJT
dissolved= SDOFLD
shipment= SHIMT
hazard= HAZ
pension= PENGS
fraudulently= FRAUNLT
Moses= MOEZ
to tell me= TOMT
this is not= TH-FNT
for me= F-RM
prosecute= PR-
prosecutor= PR-R
uniquely= YAOEBLG
primo= PRAOEM/O*E
felony= FLOIN
of it= *FT
and helps= SKPHEPS
and helps the= SKPHEPTS
there you go= THRUG
lasagna= LA/SA*NG
acknowledging= NAO*J
Picasso= PA/KAS/O*E
feminine= FEM
cubism= KAOUB/IFM
carats= KRA*TS
portion= PORGS
exam= XAM
I didn’t do= YAOID
I’ve got= AO*IFGT
against me= GEFM