Briefs and Phrases From Power: Season 6, Episode 6
childhood= KHAOLD
stay out of= STOUF
leverage= LEFRJ
authenticate= THAIKT
do you really= DO*URL
one thing= WUNG
as much as= S-FPS
as quick as= SKWIKS
Alfonse= AL/FO*NS
24 hours= 24OURS
solidarity= SLORD
McCall= M*K/KA*UL
who are you= WHO*UR
Vincent= VIFNT
grassroots= GRAOTS
postponing= POEFNGT
raffle= RAFL
sponsorship= SPOIP
constituents= STWENTS
biological= BL-L
daycare= DAERK
coffee= KO*EF
call me= KLAUM
totaled= TOELTD
enlighten= KBLAOINT
should have known= SHUFN
technically= TLEBLG
Jason= JAIFN
I’m asking= AOIFK
make the= MAIKT
doorstep= DAORP
kidnapping= KIPG
precinct= PRAOENT
police station= PLAIGS
Yelp= Y*EL/*P
any of= NIF
accountant= K-NT
is that you= STHAU
plausible= PLAUFBL
feisty= FAOIFT
police officer= PLOIFR
college= KLEJ
law school= LAOL
Clemmons= KLEM/O*NS
and we will= SKPWEL
darling= DARLG