October 28
Briefs and Phrases From Power: Season 6, Episode 9
racketeering= RAK/TAO*ERG
emotional= MAOERBL
genius= GAOENZ or JAOENZ
expansion= XANGS
adaption= DAPGS
lieutenant= LAOUNT
governor= GOFR
your part= YOURPT
peace= PAES
if this= F-TS
emphasis= KBIS
and then= SKPHEN
scorched= SKOFRPD
severing= SWEFRG
babysitter= BAERBT
daycare= DAERK
supervisor= SPR-FR
boulevard= BLFD
narcotics= NARKTS
warehouse= WROUS
legit= LEJT
real estate= RAE
swivel= SWIFL
until the= N-LT
never told= NEFRLTD
just like= JUBLG
I can’t believe this= YABLTS
robbery= ROIRB
for a long time= F-RNGT
work for= WOFR
paella= PAOI/A/YA*
and these= SKP*Z
motivate= MOEFT
devastated= DWAEFTD
betrayal= BRAEL
humiliation= HULGS
I can’t say= YAS
LaGuardia= LA/GAURD/YA*
so let’s= SO*LTS