October 31
Theory Thursday: 2019’s Top 10 Halloween Candies
According to The Daily Meal, these are this year’s top 10 Halloween candies:
1) Skittles= SKIT/*LS
2) Reese’s= RAOE/SAO*ES
3) M & M’s= M*P/M-PD/M*P/AES
4) Snickers= SN*IRKS
5) Starburst= STAR/DL-S/B*URS
6) Candy Corn= KAEND/KORN
7) Hot Tamales= HOT/TA/MAL/YIS
8) Tootsie Pops= TAOTS/YI/PO*PS
9) Sour Patch Kids= SOUR/PAFP/KIDZ
10) Hershey’s Kisses= HERS/YIS/KISZ