November 24 2019

Briefs and Phrases From The Blacklist: Season 2, Episode 7

Blacklist Season 2 Episode 7
Persian= PERGS
assassinated= SNAETD
I can’t do= YAD
abjure= AB/JAO*UR
shisha= SHAOE/SHA*
scimitar= SIM/TA*R
venture= VUR
carotid= KROTD
exposure= SKPAOUR
scrutiny= SKRAOUNT
overnight= AUFRNT
symposium= SIM/POEX/Y*UM
zebra= SAO*ERB
outcome= OUK
triangulate= TRAOINLT
radiology= RAOLG
Bethesda= BA/THES/DA*
Farsi= FARS/YI
alias= AILZ
radiologist= RAOLGT
I’m so sorry= AOIFMS
anchovies= AN/KHOF/Y*IS
make sure= MAIKZ
infected= N-FKTD
syringe= SY-RNG
so be it= SO*BT
carbon= KBON
fiber= FAOIRB
what do you want= WHAOUPT
to her= TWHER
indolence= SBLENS
beloved= BLOFD
pain and suffering= PAIFRG
mysterious= STRAOERBS
is this the= STH-T

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November 22 2019

Friday Phrases

Friday Phrases Logo
email address= AOEMDZ
follow me= FL-M
follows me= FL-MS
followed me= FL-MD
following me= FL-MG
stick to= STIKTD
stick to the= ST*IKTD
cruel and unusual= KRAOURB
cruel and unusual punishment= KRAOURBLT

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Category: Briefs | LEAVE A COMMENT
November 21 2019

Briefs and Phrases From The Blacklist: Season 2, Episode 6

Blacklist Season 2 Episode 6 Part 2
very good= VEGD
nostalgic= NOFLGT
naivete= NAOEFT
poachers= POEFRPS
Mombasa= MOM/BA/SA*
subsidiaries= SDAERS
bestiary= BAOEFT/A*ER
wildlife= WAOILD/LAO*IF
police report= PLORP
Kamchatka= KAM/KAT/KA*
Petropavlovsk= PET/TROE/PAV/LO*FK
peninsula= PENLS
surgical= SURL
precision= PRIGS
medical examiner= MAERX
mastermind= MAFRMD
contraband= KRABD
rhinoceros= RAOI/NOS/R*US
Paris= PARZ
remedies= R-MDZ
endangered= SBAIJD
nefarious= NA/FAIR/Y*US
exposé= SKPOEZ
toehold= TOE/HO*ELD
savant= SAFNT
importation= KBORGS
abductions= DBUXZ
I’m good= AOIMGD
taking into account= TOUNGT
Gómez= GOEMZ
Sitka= SIT/KA*
imploded= KBLO*ED
notorious= NOERBS
anonymous= NOUMS
concierge= KAUN/SAO*ER
tranquilizer= TWIRLZ
sedated= SDAITD
commercial= KMERBL
abducted= DBUKTD
citation= SAOIGS
Tokyo= TOEK/YO*E
Oslo= OS/LO*E
Belgium= BEL/J*UM
rendezvous= ROFND
what do you know= WHAOUN
gas station= GAIGS
hobby= HOIB
namaste= NA/MAS/TA*I
junky= JO*ING
there you are= THRUR
decimation= DEFMGS
lucrative= LAOUFKT
detour= DAOURT
businessman= BAM
supply and demand= SPLAOIMD
consolidation= SKLOGS
audacity= AUFTD
I haven’t= *IFNT

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November 20 2019

Dictionary Builder: Pluviometer

Pluviometer is defined as follows: “An instrument used by meteorologists and hydrologists to gather and measure the amount of liquid precipitation over an area in a predefined period of time.” [Source: Wikipedia]


OPTION #1: pluviometer: PLAOUF/YI/O*RMT
OPTION #2: pluviometer: PLAOUF/YOM/T*ER
OPTION #3: pluviometer: PLAOUF/YI/OM/T*ER
OPTION #4: pluviometer: PLAOUF/YI/OM/A/T*ER
OPTION #5: pluviometer: PLAOUF/YI/OM/MA/T*ER
OPTION #6: pluviometer: PLAOU/VAOE/O*RMT
OPTION #7: pluviometer: PLAOU/VAOE/OM/T*ER
OPTION #8: pluviometer: PLAOU/VAOE/OM/A/T*ER
OPTION #9: pluviometer: PLAOU/VAOE/OM/MA/T*ER

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November 20 2019

Briefs and Phrases From The Blacklist: Season 2, Episode 5

Blacklist Season 2 Episode 5
right thing= RAOING
where you are= WRUR
just like= JUBLG
taxi= TAEX
partnership= POIP
environment= VAOIRMT
virus= VAOIRS
life support= LORT
lacerations= LAEFRGSZ
sienna= SAOE/*EN/A*
Sienese= SAOE/NAO*EZ
Madrid= MA/DR*ID
Pisa= PAOE/SA*
whereabouts= WR-BTS
chemo= KHAOEM
cockamamie= KOK/MAIM/YI
under the= N-RT
microscopic= MAOIRK/SKO*PK
spectroscopic= SPEK/SKO*PK
gallery= GAERL
one more= WUM
Apophis= A/PA/F*IS
weaponized= WEPDZ
century= SEN
Byzantines= BIZ/TAO*ENS
Ottomans= OT/MA*NS
bubonic= BAOU/BO*NG
pneumonic= NAOU/MO*NG
pandemics= PAN/DEM/*IKS
Armageddon= ARM/GED/O*N
symbols= SBOLS
same time= SAIMT
she believes= SHEBLS
same thing= SAIMG
alignments= LAOIMTS
Staten Island= STAENLD
addendum= DAUMD
Cyrillic= SA/RIL/*IK
sacrosanct= SKROE/SA*NGT
contagious= TAIJS
radio= RAO
plague= PLAIJ
lookouts= LAOKTS
checkpoints= KHEPKTS
exposure= SPAOUR
species= SPAOES
extinction= XINGS
everybody else= EFRBLS
Sharon= SHA*RN
endearing= SBAERG
agitated= AJTD
can I go inside= KIGDZ
outbreak= TBRAEK
immune systems= KBAOUFMTS
clinical trials= KLINLTS
inquiry= KWOIR
organism= GOFM
antibodies= AEBDZ
crusade= KRAOUFD
inhaler= KBHAIRL
Dulles= DUL/*ES
Perez= PERZ
Sao Paolo= SOU/PA/LO*E
open this= OEPTS
infected= KB-FKTD
Abingdon= AB/-G/DO*N
how much time= HOUFPLT
hour ago= HOURG
who is he= WHO*ES
possessive= PEFS
at one time= TWUNT
goosebumps= GAOFRPS
megalomaniacs= MEG/LOE/MA*INGS
vaccine= VAEK or VAFK

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