December 16
Briefs and Phrases From The Blacklist: Season 3, Episode 2
bureaucrat= BRAOURK
jejune= JA/JAO*UN
triplets= TRIPLTS
muffin= MUFN
armored= AORMD
State of New York= STOERK
let the record reflect= LORK
nauseated= NAUFTD
plea agreement= PLAOEMT
seaboard= SAEBD
Adderall= AD/RA*L
amphetamines= AEFMS
Ritalin= RIT/L*IN
perilously= PER/L*UFL
if you have to= FUFTD
Papeete= PA/PAI/TA*I
Odysseus= O/DIS/Y*US
Polaris= POE/LAR/*IS