Briefs and Phrases From The Blacklist: Season 3, Episode 13
follow me= FL-M
Seoul= SAOUL
Moscow= MOS/KO*W
Beijing= BAI/J*ING
miracle= MIRBLG
questionnaire= KWIRN
restroom= STRAOM
promnestria= PROM/NEFT/YA*
conglomerate= KAUN/GLO*RMT
Marilyn= MA*RNL
confidential= K-FL
escalation= SKLAIGS
seaboard= SAEBD
commodity= KMOD
uphold= AUPLD
showroom= SHOERM
stracciatella= STRAFP/TEL/A*
Rembrandt= REM/BRA*NT
masterpiece= MAFRT/PAO*ES
Calexico= KA/LEX/KO*E
deported= DPORTD
enforceable= KBOFRBL
fiancée= FAOENZ
gemologist= GEM/OLGT
disguise= SGAOIZ
brokering= BRO*ERK
New Orleans= NURNLS
nutmeg= NUT/M*EG
London= LOND
Scotland= SKONLTD
champagne= SHAM/PA*IN
forgive and forget= FRIFNGT
fickle= FIBLG
slippery= SLOIRP
Zihuatanejo= SAO*E/WAT/NAI/HO*E
telenovela= TEL/NOEFL/A*
architect= AERKT
Josephine= JOEFN
bourgeoning= BURJ/O*NG
creature= KRAOEFPT