Briefs and Phrases From Power: Season 6, Episode 11
London= LOND
Vegas= VAEGZ
felony assault= FLOINLT
felony= FLOIN
democratic= DMAKT
urban= YURB
minority= MOIRNT
minor= MOIRN
constituents= STWENTS
jeopardy= JEP
talked about= TAUBD
lieutenant= LAOUNT
governor= GOFR
Serbian= SERB/YA*N
shoulder= SHOURLD
industrial= STRIL
enlightened= KBLAOINNTD
larceny= LARS
entrapment= SBRAMT
persistent= PRIFNT
under those= N-RS
parole= PROEL
scholarship= SKLARP
proverbs= PROFRBS
expansion= XANGS
in the first place= N-FRPLS
untraceable= UN/TRAIFBL
accessory to murder= SKOIRMD
access= SKES
and I have to go to= SKPIFGTD
duplicitous= DPLIS/T*US or DPLIFT/*US or DPLIFT/T*US
pressure points= PRERPBTS or PRERBTS
positive= POF
perforate= PREFRT
surplus= SPLUS
gubernatorial= GAOUB/TO*ERL
Christmas= KMAS
anything to= NIGTD
transporter= TR-RPT
Rikers Island= RAOIRLD