January 8
Briefs and Phrases From The Blacklist: Season 3, Episode 15
state of the= STAIFT
crime scene= KRAOEN
flummoxed= FLUM/O*X/-D
commentary= KMAERNT
rabid= RABD
published= PL-RBD
full time= FOIM
as far as I know= SFAIRNS
is that a fact= STHAFKT
portal= PORLT
mousetrap= MOUS/TRA*P
burglar= BLAR
blowfish= BLO/F*IRB
fugu kimo= FAOU/GAO*U/KAOE/MO*E
tetrodotoxin= TET/TROE/DOE/TO*FN
adrenaline= DRENL
downloaded= DOUNLD
fastball= FAST/BA*UL
dislocated= SDLOEKTD
if you like= FUBLG
metropolitan= MROEPLT
patio= PAOT
staircase= STAIRK
precautions= PRAUGSZ
about me= B-M
do you recognize= DOURKZ
petulant= PET/LA*NT
perils= P*ERLS