February 12
Briefs and Phrases From The Blacklist: Season 4, Episode 7
syndrome= SDROEM
lionfish= LAOI/*ON/F*IRB
spearfish= SPAOER/F*IRB
elementary= L-RMT
Ambergris Caye= AM/BER/GRIS/KAO*E
platelets= PLAIT/-LTS
intercranial= INT/KRA*INL
autoimmune= AOT/KBAO*UN
I can’t imagine= YAJ
phlebotomist= FLA/BOT/M*IFT
boudoir= BAOUD/WA*R
voracious= VORBS
any of them= NIFMT
all of them= A*UFMT
hematology= HAOEM/TO*LG
briefcase= BRAOEFK
confidentiality= K-FLT
judicious= JURBS
cavity= KAEFT
necrosis= NA/KRO*EZ
dialysis= DAOILZ
about who you were= BHOURP
calisthenics= KAL/STH*ENGS
Jazzercise= JAZ/*ER/SAO*IZ
you are going= URG