February 15
Briefs and Phrases From The Blacklist: Season 4, Episode 9
bodyguards= BOERGDZ
and it is= SKP*TS
Maryland= MAERLD
plea agreement= PLAOEMT
munitions= MAOUNGSZ
integrated= SBRAETD
nightmare= NAOIRMT
diagnostics= DAOIFNGTS
at one time= TWUNT
soccer= SKER
piano= PAON
scattershot= SKART/SHO*T
orthodontist= O*RT/DONT/IFT
kleptomaniac= KLEPT/MA*ING
chowder= KHOURD
inaugural= KBAURLG
would ask you= WO*UFK
fabric= FA*RK
Kandahar= KAN/DA/HA*R
search warrant= SWARNT
tomography= TOM/GRA*EF
dipsomaniac= DIPS/O*E/MA*ING
blood alcohol= BLOL
attorney general= TOERNG
person of interest= PEFRNT
what you asked= WHAUFKD
teleguidance= TEL/YI/GAOINS
doorstep= DAORP
Cleveland= KLAOEFNLD
on the record= ORNTD
about what you told= BHAULTD