Briefs and Phrases From The Blacklist: Season 4, Episode 10
ghoulish= GOUL/*IRB
crime scene= KRAOEN
federal judge= FRUJ
docket= DOKT
retaliation= TRAELGS
cobalt= KOEBLT
if you were= FURP
handrail= HAND/RA*IL
motorcycle= MOIK
congressman= KRA*M
duplicity= POLIFT
foie gras= FOI/GRA or FOI/GRAS
in my opinion= NAOIP
aconitine= A/KON/TAO*EN
premonition= PREM/N*IGS
diorama= DAOI/RA/MA*
rubella= RAOU/BEL/A*
nothing to say= NOBTS
Ukraine= AOU/KRA*IN
at the time= TET
verifiable= VOIFBL
Naples= NA*IPLS
what I mean= WHAIM
acolyte= AK/LAO*IT
atrocities= A/TROFT
cliché= KLAOERB
medical records= MORDZ
hearing aid= HAERGD
interference= SB-FRNS
appliances= PLAOINS
stick to the= ST*IKTD
munitions= MAOUNGSZ
Tshikapa= KHA/KA/PA*
catastrophe= STROEF
forecasted= FOERKTD
cassiterite= KA/SIT/RAO*IT
wolframite= WOLF/RA/MAO*IT
moonlight= MAONLT
matter of time= MAEFRMT
pyrrhic= PIR/*IK
bon appetit= BON/AP/TAO*ET
I don’t recognize= YORKZ