February 21
Briefs and Phrases From The Blacklist: Season 4, Episode 12
all of it= A*UFLT
transactions= TR-XZ
accountant= K-NT
stature= STAURT
staunch= STAUFP
meningitis= MENGTS
Luschen’s= LAOU/SH*ENS
respiratory= RERPT
pawnbroker= PAUN/BRO*ERK
typhoid= TAOI/FO*ID
outbreak= TBRAEK
spinal tap= SPAOINLT
fiction= F*IBGS
so you believe= SOUBL
anything further= NIFRG
sorority= SRORT
chambermaid= KHAIM/MA*ID
ugliest= OIFGT
larcenist= LARS/N*IFT
train station= TRAINGS
dossiers= DOS/Y*ERS
oyster= OIFRT
hazmat= HAZ/MA*T
roadway= ROI
officers of the law= OIFRLS
takotsubo= TAI/KOET/SAOU/BO*E