March 1
Briefs and Phrases From The Blacklist: Season 4, Episode 18
portfolio= POFRLT
Roosevelt= RAOFLT
prestigious= PREFJZ
hemisphere= SFHAER
sheriff= SHR-F
state police= STPLIS
financial statement= F-NLT
fascinate= FAFNT
mononym= MON/N*IM
and I need to= SKPIFRNTD
tawdry= TAURD
potpies= POT/PAO*IS
mitzvah= MITS/VA*
insurance agent= SHURGT
that’s good= THAEGD
at the end of the day= TEFNTD
misjudged= MUJD
Pomeranian= POM/RAIN/YA*N
antiseptic= AOINT/S*EPKT
turntable= TURN/TA*BL
mocha= MOE/KA*
latte= LA/TA*I
trial attorney= TRAOIRN
this is not= TH-FNT
invectives= IN/VEFKTS
lottery= LOERT
alternative= NAEFT
Islamphobia= IZ/LAM/FO*IB or IZ/LAM/FAO*EB
Vienna= VAOE/*EN/A*
U-Bahn= AOU/BA*N