March 18
Briefs and Phrases From The Office: Season 1, Episode 4
Donald Trump= DONLD/TR*UFRP
gossip= GOFP
cooler= KAORL
scuttlebutt= SK*ULT/B*UT
birthday= B*IRTD
calendar= KALD
Meredith= MER/D*IT
decorations= DRAIGSZ
what color= WHARL
dairy= DOIR
just about= JUB
whorish= WHO*RB
alliance= LAOINZ
annoys= NOIZ
survivor= SWAOIFR
pursue= PRAOU
giggling= G*ILG
funny= FOIN
what do you think= WHAOUNG
provolone= PROEF/LO*EN
Mary= MA*ER
cerebral palsy= SPALZ
between you and me= TWUM
uterus= AOURTS
hunter= HURNT
just a second= JUFKD
warehouse= WROUS
happy birthday= HA*EPBTD
downstairs= DOUNTS
happiness= HAENS
is going to= SG-GTD
charity= KHAIRT
ethics= TH*EKS
Michael= MAOIBLG
how old is= HOLDZ
internet= SBET
website= WAOIT
sizable= SAOIFBL
retire= RIR
island= AOINLD
Stamford= STAM/FO*RD
dye= DAO*I