April 3
Briefs and Phrases From The Office: Season 2, Episode 8
review= RAOUF
workout= WOURKT
topic= TOPK
awkward= AURKD
continue= T-N
performance= P-FNS
bonus= BOENZ
pageant= PAENGT
satisfactory= SAEFT
closure= KLAOUR
concrete= KRET
romance= ROEMZ
anonymous= NOUMS
criticism= KRIFM
constructive= KRUFKT
fifteenth= FAO*ENT
après vous= A/PRAI/VAO*U
is it happening= sthapg
scrutinize= SKRAOUNZ
implying= KBLAOIG
concept= SKEPT
advise= VIZ
adequate= KWAT
dedication= DAEGS
pneumonia= NAUM
coffee= KO*EF
relationship= ROIP
I’m good= AOIMGD
go home= GHOEM