April 5
Briefs and Phrases From The Office: Season 2, Episode 10
leveraged= LEFRJD
Christmas= KMAS
charity= KHAIRT
teapot= TAEPT
high school= HAOL
ketchup= KEFP
borrow= BROE
under the= N-RT
adults= DULTS
shamrock= SHAM/RO*K
tangible= TANL
shake it= SKA*IKT
shower= SHOUR
radio= RAO
one of these= WUFNZ
from me= FR-M
iPod= AOI/PO*D
oven= O*FN
call it= KA*ULT
gourmand= GOR/MO*ND
opposite= OPS
what you believe= WHAUBL
taken the= TAINGT
vodka= VOKD
Titanic= TAOIKT
sinus= SAO*INS
refrigeration= FRIRGS