May 6
Briefs and Phrases From The Office: Season 3, Episode 8
tasteful= TAIFLT or TAIFL
good luck= GLUK
adventure= DWUR
mongoose= MON/GAO*S
panther= PA*RNT
thermometer= THERMT
consolidate= SKLOD
arrival= RAOIFL
there he is= THRES
pencils= PEFNLS
coupons= KAOU/PO*NS
robot= ROEBT
martian= MARGS
repetition= TIGS
aloha= A/LOE/HA*
forehead= FHED
film= FIM
contrary= KRAIR
irrelevant= IRT
more or less= MORLS
electric= LEK
marginalized= MARJDZ
do you like it= DO*UBLGT
never mind= NEFRMD
Orlando= ORNLD
in my opinion= NAOIP
itchy= OIFP
cohorts= KHORTS
momentum= MAO*UMT
heresy= HAOER/SAO*E
funny= FOIN
advice= VIS
merger= MRERJ
egregious= A/GRAOEJS
great deal= GRAOEL
aplomb= A/PLUM
grocery store= GROIRT
lobotomy= LA/BOT/MAO*E
luxurious= LUX/Y*US