Briefs and Phrases From The Blacklist: Season 7, Episode 11
snowboarding= SNOEBGD
village= VIL
Lusail= LAOU/SA*IL
casket= KAFKT
island= AOINLD
Artemivsk= ART/M*IFK
obscene= OB/SAO*EN
flagrant= FLAIRNGT
vampire= VAM/PAO*IR
are these= R*Z
is for= SFOR
Byzantine= BIZ/TAO*EN
Turkey= T*UR/KAO*E
valuable= VABL
Cynthia= S*INT/YA*
appraise= PRAES
anticipation= PAEGS
politician= POLGS
etchings= EFPGS
authentic= AUNGT
counterfeits= KIFTS
expertise= SPAOERZ
counterfeiter= KIFRT
recover= ROFR
profit= PROFT
I wouldn’t say= YAOS
weaponize= WEPZ
classified= KLAFD
pharmacist= FARMT
AFib= A/F*IB
lilac= LAOI/LA*K
can I ask= KIFK
forger= FRORJ
Antiquities= AN/T*IKTS
engineers= GERS
technical= TEBLG
gallery= GLAER
museum= MAO*UFM
forgery= FOERJ
spectrometer= SPEK/TRO*RMT
evacuate= AOEFKT
acquired= KWIRD
structure= STRUR
boiler= BOIRL
to see= TOZ
seafood= SFAOD
allergic= LERJ
hobbies= HOIBS
awkward= AURKD
magnificent= MAFGNT
fiber= FAOIRB
heart attack= HAURK
footage= FAOJ
license plate= L-NLT
appraisal= PRAEFL
exquisite= SKWIFT
black market= BLARKT
Fabergè= FAB/JA*I
law firms= LAUFRMS
lawsuit= LAUT
football= FAOBL
painkiller= PAIRL
plaintiff= PL-F
accomplice= KPLIS
storage= STORJ
arteries= AERTS
outcome= OUK
portfolio= POFRLT
there it is= THR*TS
hungry= HOIRNG
precaution= PRAUGS
dismantling= SDMANLGT
mansion= MANGS
insists= KBIFTS
avarice= AF/R*IS
Grecian= GRAOEFN
syrup= SY-RP
drug dealer= DRURLG
authentication= AUNGS
Paris= PARZ
last thing= LAFNG
trespass= TREP
ventilator= VAERNLT