Briefs and Phrases From The Odd Couple Season 1, Episode 1
poker= POERK
Pigeons= PIJS
midnight= MAOID
babysitters= BAERBTS
how many= HOUM
Oscar= O*FRK
ramaki= RA/MAK/YI
what time= WHAMT
Monaco= MON/KO*E
allergies= LAOERJS
hypochondriac= HOIP/KHOND/YA*K
sinuses= SAO*INSZ
who cares= WHOKS
disgusting= SGUFGT
incubator= ING/BA*IRT
kitchen= KIFP
bedroom= BERM
bachelor= BLOR
huddle= HULD
you’re right= YOURT
to the hospital= THOPT
film= FIM
features= FAOEFPTS
laundry= LOIRND
dirty= DOIRT
alcohol= KHOL
tiny= TOIN
ceiling= KRAOELG
coasters= KO*EFRTS
Brighton= BRAOIT/O*N
London= LOND
what you are doing= WHAURGD
carpet= KARPT
starters= STRARTS
fancy= FAENS
filthy= FOILT
habits= HABTS
spaghetti= SPAEGT
tweezers= TWAOERSZ
Lawrence= LAURNS
passionately= PLARBT
silly= SLI
balloons= BLAONS
to us= TOUS
try it= TRAO*IT