August 4
Briefs and Phrases From The Office: Season 4, Episode 8
deposed= DPOEFD
Prius= PRAOE/*US
guacamole= GAUK/MO*EL
off the record= OFRTD
regulation= RELGS
steroids= STERDZ
baseball= BAIFBL
divorce= DWORS
deposition= DEPGS
plaintiff= PL-F
superior= SYOR
any further= NIFR
surgery= SURG
termination= TERMGS
clarifying= KLOIFRG
Photograph= FOF
Jamaica= JA/JA
February= FEB
can I go to the= K*IGTD
induction= SBUBGS
ceremony= SMOEN
diary= DO*IR
discovery= DOIFR
upset= SPET
best friend= BEFRND
negative= NEF
paragraph= PRAF
paddle= PALD