October 12 2020

Briefs and Phrases From The Office: Season 5, Episode 1

The Office Season 5 Episode 1
platform= PLAFRM
Monday= MON
éclair= AOE/KLAIR
wait a minute= WAIMT
Friday= FRI
biceps= BAOIFPS
sesame= SAEFM
never mind= NEFRMD
Rhode Island= RI/RI
mansion= MANGS
Atlantic= TLAK
poem= POEM
seagull= SGUL
displacement= SDPLAIFMT
leave me= LEFM
syrup= SRUP
canary= KA/NA*ER
vigil= VILG
spreadsheet= SPRED/SHAO*ET
Marriott= MAR/YO*T
I can see= IKZ
skinny= SKOIN
paperclips= PAIRP/KL*IPS
fruit= FRAOUT
obesity= OEBT
cryogenics= KRAOI/J*ENGS
wait a second= WAIFKD or WAIKD
baklava= BAK/LA/VA*
good time= GAOMT
we are going to= WERGTD
if we are going to= FWERGTD

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October 9 2020

Briefs and Phrases From The Office: Season 4, Episode 14

The Office Season 4 Episode 14
agenda= JAEND
New Orleans= NURNLS
motorcycle= MOIK
potion= POEGS
Pratt= PRA*T
original= ORJ
eternal= AOERNLT
prejudice= PREJ
monsters= MOFRNTS
what do you do= WAO*U
do you like it= DO*UBLGT
pretzel= PRELTS
button= BON
yoga= YOEG
vendors= V*ERNDZ
anticipation= PAEGS
shareholders= SHAIRLDZ
best thing= BEFNG
hurry= HUR
supermarket= SPR-RKT
I can’t believe it= YA*BLT
somebody else= S-BLS
Lamaze= LA/MA*Z
tiny= TOIN
wallet= WLET
digital= DIJT
dessert= SDERT

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October 2 2020

Friday Phrases

Friday Phrases Logo
scene of the murder= SKAOEFMD
opposed to= PAOFTD
opposed to the= PAO*FTD
blunt trauma= BLAURM
now or later= NOURLT
and walk to= SKPWAUKTD
and walk to the= SKPWA*UKTD
and walk= SKPWAUK
and look= SKPLAOK
and looks= SKPLAOKS
and looked= SKPLAOKD

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