March 5
Briefs and Phrases From WandaVision: Season 1, Episode 6
typhus= TAOI/F*US or TAOIFS
suppress= SPRES
humoring= HAOURMG
incorrigible= IN/KORJ/-BL
fructose= FRAOUKTS
bacchanal= BAK/NA*L
adolescent= DLENT
you have to= UFTD
chromosome= KROEMZ
spooky= SPOIK
balloons= BLAONS
work for= WOFR
do you work for= DOUFRK
sideline= SDLAOIN
acquisition= KWIGS
jack-o’-lantern= JAK/O*E/LA*RNT
silly= SLI
brother-in-law= BROERNL
are you= RU
trick or treat= TRIRKT
why would you= Y*ULD
molecular= MOERBLG
metastasizing= MA/TAFT/SAO*IGZ
remission= RAOEMGS
talk to= TAUKTD
talk to me= TAUMKTD
nightmare= NAOIRMT