Briefs and Phrases From WandaVision: Season 1, Episode 8
coven= KO*FN
migraine= MAOIRNG
accent= SKAENT
fundamentals= FENLS
necromancy= NEK/MA*NZ
continent= KAUNT
psyche= SKAO*E
transportation= TR-PGS
magic= MIJ
autopilot= AOT/PAO*ILT
superstar= SPRAR
episode= SPAOED
are you okay= R*UK
at the end of the= TEFNT
defective= DPEFKT
what I see= WHAIZ
hijinks= HI/J*INGS or HAOI/J*INGS
medicine= MED
therapy= THAERP
angel= A*ENLG
civilian= SIFNL
state your name= STURN
experimentation= XERMGS
status= STAUS
compound= KPOUN
vision= VIGS
intrude= SBRAOUD
preference= PREFRNS
grievous= GRAOEFZ
comfort= K-FRT
sorrow= SRO*E
pardon= PARD
precipice= PREFPS
recover= ROFR
you asked to= *UFKTD
billion dollars= B-LDZ
goodbye= GAOIB
I can’t feel you= YA*UFL
myth= M*IT
scarlet= SKARLT
chaos= KHAOS
spontaneous= SPAINS