Rules Of Grammar: Altogether vs. All Together
Rules Of Grammar: Awhile vs A While
“Awhile” is used as an adverb. “A while” is used as a noun.
Here are some examples for how they should be used:
We have a while left before the train arrives.
I saw my friend a while ago.
We waited awhile for the bus.
She ran awhile.
Here’s a trick that usually works: If you can use “for a while” as a substitute, then using “awhile” will likely be the right choice when choosing between, “a while” and “awhile.”
Machine Briefs:
awhile= A/WHAOIL
a while= AEU/WHAOIL
Practive Video: Medical Lit
Here are some briefs from the video:
miracle= MIRBLG
digest= DJ
digestive= DFT
excrete= XRAOET
lifetime= LAOIFT
all the= AULT
cycle= SAOIBLG
chemcal= KHEM or KHEM/KAL
and a half= NAF
grocery= GROIR
cereal= KRAOERL
vegetables= VEJS
skeleton= SKENLT
muscle= MUFL
coordinated= KAORNTD
interestingly= TR-LG
passively= PAFL
computer= KPAOURT
energy= N-RJ
organic= GO*RNG
animal= ANL
diversity= DWEFRT
species= SPAOES
Conflcits to be mindful of:
waste= WAEFT
waist= WAIFT
meat= MAET
meet= MAOET
piece= PAOES
peace= PAES
bear= BAER
bare= BAIR
Rules Of Grammar: Capital vs Capitol
Capital is used in reference to the following:
1) A city or town.
2) A capital letter.
3) Wealth, whether in money or in property.
4) Any type of a source of profit.
5) Capitalists as a group or a class.
6) Principal; something of the highest importance.
7) Excellence, or something that is first-rate.
8) An act punishable by death. (For example, “capital punishment.”)
9) Something fatal or extremely serious. (For example, a “capital error.”)
Capitol is used in reference to the following:
1) The building in Washington, D.C., used by the United States Congress for its sessions.
2) A building occupied by the state legislature.
3) The Capitoline in Rome.
Machine Briefs:
capital= KPAL
capitol= KPOL
Conflicts: Bite, Byte, and Bight
Bite- verb; “To seize especially with teeth or jaws so as to enter, grip, or wound.
Byte- noun; “A unit of computer information or data storage capacity that consists of a group of eight bits and that is used especially to represent an alphanumeric character.
Bight- noun; “1) A bend in a coast forming an open bay; or, 2) A slack part or loop in a rope.”
Machine Briefs:
bite= BAOIT
byte= BAO*IT
bight= BAOIGT